Enjoy this detailed interview with Whitney Griffin, the microchurch leader and director of 1Heart3Beats. Hear what they're doing to connect with their community.
What is your microchurch?
1Heart3Beats, we facilitate creative & interactive workshops open to teenage girls, youth groups, and foster home throughout Pinellas County with a focus on mentorship, personal enrichment, and key educational factors
Tell me about the people you serve.
We serve youth ages 12 -17 many of whom are in the foster system or reside in south St. Petersburg.
What are the major challenges your ministry is facing right now?
The inability to host workshops and connect with our youth in person has been a huge challenge. We have had to put our workshops in addition to several other plans on hold.
What (if anything) is your microchurch doing currently?
Currently we’ve launched SHI-Thrives which is considered the “virtual sister” to 1Heart3Beats. SHI-Thrives is a youtube channel with weekly videos loosely based on 1Heart3Beats Workshops. We have also made donations to foster homes we’ve worked with and plan to make monthly donations starting 8/1/2020
What is one thing that you tried that worked, and what is one thing that you tried that didn’t work?
One thing I’ve tried that worked was our youtube channel, I was nervous at first but it is going well. One thing I’ve tried that didn’t work (yet) was launching game nights & workshops at group homes. Due to the increase of COVID-19 numbers in St. Petersburg we’ve have to put this on hold.
How have people responded to things your ministry is currently doing? How have the people that you’re serving seen God work?
I believe the launch of our youtube channel has been fair, we’ve received good feedback but I’m hoping to reach more people. I also believe the homes have been really appreciative of the donations we’ve made, I also believe this is an expression of Gods love. It means a lot to know people are still thinking of you during these uncertain times.
1Heart3Beats Founder, Whitney Griffin hosts the Shi-Thrives Youtube Channel and has been setting up donations for girls in group homes.
What is one thing you are hopeful for your ministry coming out of quarantine?
I am hoping to connect with more young ladies in a deeper way. I am also looking forward to developing innovative workshops that will meet their needs, in addition to hosting workshops & game nights at group homes.
How are you doing as a leader?
I’m doing ok, it was tough putting all of our plans on hold but I am grateful for the opportunity to understand the needs of the girls we serve on a deeper level. I am also grateful for the opportunity to explore new ideas & ways we can serve them.
What is one thing you are hopeful for you personally during quarantine?
The opportunity to reset and come out as a better version of myself.
Is there something Jesus is putting on your heart to prepare for when quarantine lifts?
Hosting workshops in group homes has really been on my heart in addition to shifting to more of a focus on foster youth & youth residing with relative caregivers.
The St. Pete Underground is a faith-based non-profit missional movement that empowers local missionaries to live out their God-given dreams. To learn more about the St. Pete Underground and 1Heart3Beats check out their microchurch page here.